Sponsorship Opportunities at Timpanogos Arts Foundation

Founded in 2003, Timpanogos Arts Foundation (TAF) is a 501(c)(3) that directs 7 arts programs and several annual major arts events in Utah County. TAF’s mission is to educate, enrich, and inspire by providing leadership and encouragement for artistic and cultural excellence. We invite you to partner with TAF to elevate our community through comprehensive arts offerings, all while making your business known to our 20,000 participants and patrons in the area.

Sponsors of TAF will receive many benefits. Throughout the year, thousands of participants, audience members, and event attendees will be exposed to our sponsors at varying levels through our website, playbills, marquees, signage, and MC announcements. With seven different programs, TAF involves community members of all ages with various artistic interests, helping to market your brand to a wider audience. Other perks include complimentary event and season tickets to outstanding performances by our arts groups.

We hope you will consider one of the partnership opportunities with TAF to support the arts in our community and receive more recognition for your business.

Sponsorship Levels

  • Arts Angel – $25,000 +
  • Arts Benefactor – $15,000
  • Arts Producer – $10,000
  • Arts Director – $5,000
  • Arts Enthusiast – $2,000
  • Arts Patron – $1,000
  • Arts Donor – $500
  • Arts Friend – $250
  • Arts Advocate – $50

As a non-profit community arts organization, Timpanogos Arts Foundation depends heavily on the generosity of our sponsors. Sponsoring an event is a simple way to get involved while also exposing potentially thousands of people to your brand. Your financial assistance will help provide affordable access to the arts to more than 20,000 people; while supporting local artists and patrons through community arts programming. Your business can support a wide range of TAF activities, including . . .

  • Timpanogos Community Theater – 3 full productions/year
  • Timpanogos Youth Theater – 3 full youth program productions + 2 summer camps
  • American Fork Symphony – 5 concerts per year
  • Vivace Youth Orchestras – 3 concerts/year + a large summer camp
  • Timpanogos Visual Arts – Art shows, galleries, classes, and workshops
  • Timpanogos Singers – 3 concerts/year
  • Timpanogos Youth Choirs – 3 concerts/year

Plus TAF’s annual events:

  • Americana Arts & Music Festival
  • AF History & Heritage Pageant
  • Mary Kawakami Youth Scholarship Speech Contest

The benefits of arts sponsorships include:

  • Measurable Increase in Sales
  • Growth of Brand Awareness
  • Development of Customer Loyalty
  • Lead Generation from Event Promotions
  • Fostering of Community Goodwill

We’d be delighted to spotlight your business in TAF’s online and print materials.

Ask about a customized sponsorship or for one of our sponsorship packages!

Please reach out to AnnaLisa Gosar for more information on sponsorship opportunities at: sponsors@timpanogosarts.org.

Please send all mail correspondence to: Timpanogos Arts Foundation, Attn: AnnaLisa Gosar, PO Box 443, American Fork, UT 84003