Journey to the past with Timpanogos Youth Theater as they bring to life the enchanting tale of Anastasia: The Musical (Youth Edition). This family-friendly production follows Anya, a brave young woman searching for her identity, as she navigates a world of intrigue, romance, and adventure. Set against the backdrop of revolution and opulence, this heartwarming adaptation features memorable songs like “Journey to the Past” and “Once Upon a December,” celebrating courage, love, and the power of finding where you belong. Secure your tickets now and experience the magic!

Performances take place at
The Valentine Theater
839 E 9th N
American Fork, UT 84003

Upcoming Classes & Events

Beginning Musical Theater Skills Class
Who: K-2nd graders
When: Jan-Mar
Where: Am. Fork Veteran’s Hall
Time: Thursdays; 4:00 – 5:00 pm
Cost: $30/month
Performances: January 16-18 and/or March 13-15
Full (Get on the Waitlist)

Disney’s Lion King Kids
Performances: March 13-15
Tickets available soon!

Timpanogos Youth Theater
is a year-round theater program!

We offer three main musical productions.

January’s production is for 11-18 year olds with auditions late August/early September, rehearsals on Thursdays and a few Saturdays. The schedule is designed for those who are participating in their school’s theater programs or other extra curricular activities, can also participate in TimpYT.

March’s production is for 3rd-6th graders. We hold auditions in November, rehearsals are on Wednesdays and a few Saturdays starting in January and performances are in March.

July’s production is for 8-18 year olds. We audition in May, start rehearsing end of June/first of July and perform in July.

In addition to our 3 main musical productions we offer week-long mini musicals in the Summer, theater classes in the Fall and a beginning musical theater class for students K-2nd grade, Bravo Troupe. Bravo Troupe meets once a week for one hour and performs a musical showcase in January and March.


For questions or more information, please email or call 801-368-5908.

Our History

In the past, Timpanogos Youth Theater has performed Finding Nemo Kids, High School Musical Jr, Newsies Jr, Frozen Kids, Descendants, Mary Poppins and many more!

Timpanogos Youth Theater serves hundreds of participants, offers volunteer opportunities in the community and provides quality performing arts experiences which benefit thousands of residents in Utah County.

Contact Koreen Hansen at to find out how you can become involved.


The mission of Timpanogos Youth Theater is to provide a safe, fun, engaging environment for children to learn musical theater skills and to experience the magic of showcasing those skills on stage.

Performance Venue & Tickets

The Valentine Theater, 839 E 9th N in American Fork, is our home for great entertainment all year long! Find tickets for our upcoming shows at